Frequently Asked Questions

How are parents involved in their child's therapy?

Parents are an integral part of the therapy provided at Child Behavior Therapy Associates, LLP.  Depending on the presenting problem, parents may be seen simultaneously with their child during therapy sessions and/or alone for consultation.

Are the services provided at Child Behavior Therapy Associates, LLP reimbursable through my insurance?

The services provided at Child Behavior Therapy Associates, LLP may be reimbursable through insurance coverage.  Families pay for services directly and are provided with a receipt which includes the necessary information required by insurance providers.  Families then submit these receipts to their insurance companies for reimbursement.  We do not belong to any managed care plans and, therefore, are "out of network" providers.

How can I find out if my insurance company will reimburse me for services provided at Child Behavior Therapy Associates, LLP?

We always recommend that families call their insurance providers and obtain the following information:  if they have "out of network" coverage; if a referral is required from their child's pediatrician; what, if any, is the annual mental health deductible; what percentage of the fee will be reimbursable by the insurance company; and what the maximum yearly allowance is.    [email protected]    (914) 235-2800